How to ride a gearless scooter.

Riding a scooter takes nothing but a sense of balance only. Those who can ride bicycle, its much easier for them to ride scooters. Therefore riding scooter comfortably needs some skill and a little practice. Moreover street laws and regulations are to be well known firstly. Lets discuss about how we can learn scooter riding in the easiest way.

1. After you have learnt body balance on bicycle or scooter itself, now its the time to know the controlling components of scooter.

2. Its simple, just a steering handle, two brake leavers each on either side of handle bar, ordinary switch gears like motorcycles.

3. Rear brake lever is on the left hand and front brake is on the right hand.

4. Throttle located on the right handle bar under the palm of right hand.

5. Switch gears: on left side horn switch, above it turn indicator switch, above it high and low beam switch of headlight. In some models pass switch is located on the left side.
    On right side headlight on/off switch, started button and engine kill switch is located.

6. Kick starter is located on the left side of engine transmission box.

7. For kick start: 1st place the scooter on double stand. Insert the key and get it on. Press left hand brake lever. Kick with quick and strong movement of leg.

N:B: Always use the kick starter at the morning prior to begining of riding. For novice riders should be set up in double stand for kicking. But experienced users can kick without doing double stand. Always check if the side stand is down. If so, have it up.

8. For self start: first press and hold left brake lever. Then press starter switch. Never tap the switch for more than 5 sec. If scooter does not start wait for 10sec and again repeat the procedure.

9. After starting sit on the scooter in upright position. Twist the throttle slowly and scooter will start to move. Never twist too rapidly or apply full twist. Increasing twist will increase the speed of the scooter.
N:B: never apply brake while holding throttle or giving pick up. Always release the throttle before applying brake.

10. For braking, first release the throttle, then apply both hand brake levers together to reduce speed or come to a stop. Never press single brake lever while on motion. Always press both the brakes equally. This will reduce the chance of skid.
N:B: press the brakes gradually with consecutive quick press and release, press and release manner. This is the safest way of braking. Never press to hard suddenly.

11. While riding practice applying all the switch gears.

12. Always wear helmets.


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